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Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

How to Make a Delicious Burasa'

If we talk about food in this fasting month it seems you want to break fasting. But eitss!! now I will introduce some food suitable for your fasting menu, especially when Eid Fitri come, this food is very suitable served with steeping "Coto" which is also typical of Sulawesi. This food is called Burasa. Burasa is one of the traditional food  from Sulawesi, with basic ingredients made from rice and coconut milk , resulting in a distinctive flavor. Then wrapped in banana leaf and tied with rapiah rope.

For those of you who want to try Burasa ', there are some ingredients that  you  need like 1 ltr of rice, 2 coconuts, one tablespoon of salt, and water.

We also use some tools such as frying pan, spatula, rice spoon, large container, big pot, banana leaf and rapiah rope.

Well! Now we already know all of the materials and tools you should use in making Burasa'. Now we go about making Burasa'.

First things, we do is to soak the rice with clean water for 15 minutes, while grated coconut and then wring it up to be coconut milk. After that drain the rice that has been soaked, heat the shrimp containing with water coconut milk, after boiling add a tablespoon of salt and stir, then input the rice that has been drained and stir until coconut milk absorbed. Wait for half to boil then lift and drain.

The next step, is the wrapping stage. Take banana leaves that have been prepared, then wrap the rice according to your own. Once everything is wrapped in a bundle using a rapiah rope.

For the final step, input banana leaves according to the size of the pot as a base. After that set the Burasa’ that have been wrapped, then pour the water into the pan containing the Burasa’ to spread all over the surface of the Burasa'. Wait until cooked (if the banana leaves turn into brownish color).

And ready to serve

Posted by Hardiana

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